Waktu tanggal 13 Januari 2013 saya ke snowbay, harga masuk :
Hari biasa : Rp. 100.000
keterangan : gak semua wahana langsung di nyalain, tapi bergantian ada waktunya masing-masing
Sabtu, Minggu, Weekend : Ro. 120.000
Harga sewa saung :
Tradional : 65000/3jam
Elit : sekitar 110.000/3jam ( fasilitas ac, sama TV LCD, serta ada kasurnya )
Kamis, 24 Januari 2013
Selasa, 22 Januari 2013
W o W ... Manfaat Buah Sirsak ...
- Mengandung asam askorbat yang mampu meningkatkan antioksidan dalam tubuh.
- Melindungi sistim kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah dari infeksi yang mematikan.
- Mengandung serat larut dan tidak larut yang bisa membantu dalam mengurangi rasa sakit dan ketidaknyamanan yang disebabkan karena sembelit pada perut.
- Secara efektif memilih target dan membunuh sel jahat dari 12 tipe kanker yang berbeda, di antaranya kanker usus besar, payudara, prostat, paru-paru, dan pankreas.
- Daya kerjanya 10.000 kali lebih kuat dalam memperlambat pertumbuhan sel kanker dibandingkan dengan adriamycin dan terapi kemo yang biasa digunakan.
- Kandungan vitamin C selain bisa meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan menjaga kelembaban kulit.
- Kandungan vitamin B1 mampu memperlancar metabolisme, sirkulasi darah, mencegah kerusakan syaraf, memulihkan berbagai gangguan syaraf
- Apabila di tambah daunnya konon dapat menyembuhkan diabetes.
- Kandungan vitamin B2 diperlukan tubuh untuk proses produksi energi,
penyimpanan lemak, fungsi sistem syaraf, dan pemeliharaan otot-otot
Resep-resep pengobatan traditional dengan sirsak ...
- Sakit Pinggang
20 lembar daun sirsak, direbus dengan 5 gelas air sampai mendidih hingga tinggal3 gelas, diminum 1 kali sehari 3/4 gelas. - Ambeien
Buah sirsak yang sudah masak. Peras untuk diambil airnya sebanyak 1 gelas, diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore. - Bisul
Daun sirsak yang masih muda secukupnya, tempelkan di tempat yang terkena bisul. - Sakit Kandungan Air Seni
Buah sirsak setengah masak, gula dan garam secukupnya. Semua bahan tersebut dimasak dibuat kolak. Dimakan biasa, dan dilakukan secara rutin setiap hari selama 1 minggu berturut-turut. - Penyakit Liver
Puasa makanan lain, hanya minum juice sirsak selama 1 minggu - Eksim dan Rematik
Tumbuk daun sirsak sampai halus dan tempelkan di bagian yang sakit - Bayi Mencret
Buah-sirsak yang sudah masak. Buah sirsak diperas dan disaring untuk diambil airnya, diminumkan pada bayi yang mencret sebanyak 2-3 sendok makan. - Diabetes
Apabila buah di jus dengan daunnya konon dapat menghilangkan diabetes, sudah banyak tertera di tempat-tempat jus. - Pengobatan Kanker10 lembar daun sirsak yg tua direbus dengan 3 gelas air hingga tersisa 1 gelas, minum 2 kali per hari selama 2 minggu. Daun sirsak ini katanya sifatnya seperti kemoterapi, bahkan lebih hebat lagi karena daun sirsak hanya membunuh sel sel yang tumbuh abnormal dan membiarkan sel sel yang tumbuh normal.Nb : Apabila hanya memakan buah sirsak teralu sering konon dapat menyebabkan penyakit kanker. Jadi lebih baik di minum saja, ^.^
Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013
Rookery (HEBOH DUNIA MAYA), Seorang wanita foto dengan jantungnya sendiri.
A woman called by the name of Penny uploading a photo of himself holding
a heart that no longer serves its original photo sharing site
imgur.com. And since it fot themselves became popular in cyberspace.
Penny herself earlier in the verdict had cancer to heart then she
underwent a heart transplant to save his life. After successfully
through the process now he is living with his new heart from donors.
This photo itself is enshrined with the purpose of reliving the times of
difficulty of battling the deadly disease. Doctors had already decided
to cremate his heart. Now the photo is already seen as much as 300
thousand times. Kelsey, a friend of Penny also wrote in the posting
photos online. ' This is my friend Penny. He holds her own. He survived
the cancer and heart failure are melumpuhkannya but never lost hope, '
wrote Kelsey as quoted from the Mirror, Thursday (17/1/2013)
Jumat, 18 Januari 2013
Cara mengatasi diabetes secara alami (How to cope with diabetes naturally)
What do you think about diabetes ??
1. afraid ( takut )
2. creepy (menyeramkan), or
3. Life doesn ' t mean again ( hidup tak berarti lagi ).
Following medicinal herbs overcome diabetes in indonesian ...
1. Lidah buaya ( aloe vera )
The dried SAP of the aloe vera gel as well as found on the inside of the leaves are used to treat diabetes because it is believed can help to lower blood glucose levels.
2. Klabet (fenugreek)
To control blood glucose levels and has many be used to control diabetes.
3. Bawang merah (onion)
Influences the metabolism of hepatic glucose, and increase the release of insulin and prevent destruction of insulin.
4. Bawang Putih (garlic)
The benefits of garlic is not just a belief, it has been proven in various studies.Unfortunately still rare communities that use it to treat and prevent diabetes.
5. Kayu manis (cinnamon)
It turns out this plant can make fat cells more accessible so that insulin can increase the conversion of glucose into energy, are generally covered in the blood of.
6. Kemangi (basil)
A study has shown that Basil has a positive effect on glucose if consumed after a meal and when fasting. This plant is able to facilitate the process of secretion of insulin in the body.
8. Gingseng Asia
The plant turns out to have an immediate effect in lowering sugar and increase the release of insulin from the pancreas and increase the number of insulin receptors, which your body needs.
1. afraid ( takut )
2. creepy (menyeramkan), or
3. Life doesn ' t mean again ( hidup tak berarti lagi ).
Following medicinal herbs overcome diabetes in indonesian ...
1. Lidah buaya ( aloe vera )
The dried SAP of the aloe vera gel as well as found on the inside of the leaves are used to treat diabetes because it is believed can help to lower blood glucose levels.
2. Klabet (fenugreek)
To control blood glucose levels and has many be used to control diabetes.
3. Bawang merah (onion)
Influences the metabolism of hepatic glucose, and increase the release of insulin and prevent destruction of insulin.
4. Bawang Putih (garlic)
The benefits of garlic is not just a belief, it has been proven in various studies.Unfortunately still rare communities that use it to treat and prevent diabetes.
5. Kayu manis (cinnamon)
It turns out this plant can make fat cells more accessible so that insulin can increase the conversion of glucose into energy, are generally covered in the blood of.
6. Kemangi (basil)
A study has shown that Basil has a positive effect on glucose if consumed after a meal and when fasting. This plant is able to facilitate the process of secretion of insulin in the body.
8. Gingseng Asia
The plant turns out to have an immediate effect in lowering sugar and increase the release of insulin from the pancreas and increase the number of insulin receptors, which your body needs.
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